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Fairs, local events and festivals to discover the traditions of the Langhe Events and festivals

Another good way to get to know the traditions of the Langhe and the Piedmontese culture is to take part in a local festival! We suggest visiting at least one to discover ancient customs of the area and original celebrations. Obviously, the most recommended is the Alba Truffle Fair, internationally well known, but you will be able to choose from a wide range, from music festivals to historical celebrations, to food fairs.

The choice is yours!



Mostra-Mercato di Piccoli Animali

Ogni prima domenica del mese un evento con animali da cortile, piccoli roditori, pesci ornamentali e attrezzature per la cura degli animali, ideale per famiglie e piccini



Grandi Mercati di Cherasco

Un affascinante mercato dell’antiquariato che trasforma il centro storico in un viaggio tra tesori d’epoca e oggetti unici