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Fairs, local events and festivals to discover the traditions of the Langhe Events and festivals

Another good way to get to know the traditions of the Langhe and the Piedmontese culture is to take part in a local festival! We suggest visiting at least one to discover ancient customs of the area and original celebrations. Obviously, the most recommended is the Alba Truffle Fair, internationally well known, but you will be able to choose from a wide range, from music festivals to historical celebrations, to food fairs.

The choice is yours!

28 Apr

02 Jun

Spring in the Vineyard

An ‘Unforgettable sensory experience among the rows of vines with a walk, visit to the winery, aperitif and lunch under the Langhe sun

04 May

26 May

Mostra: paesaggi inquieti

La mostra è un viaggio attraverso resine, plastiche, colle da legatoria e materiali organici che plasmano e danno vita a quella che l’artista ama definire “la poetica del silenzio”

08 May

13 May

Il Leviatano e le Sirene

Una delle più importanti collezioni d’Europa di fossili di cetacei in mostra per la prima volta nel suggestivo scenario dell’Ex Chiesa del Gesù di Asti, per stupire e meravigliare soprattutto i più piccoli

09 May

13 May

Salone Internazionale del Libro

Torna l’imperdibile evento internazionale legato al mondo della lettura, delle case editrici, degli scrittori e dei traduttori e non solo

11 May

19 May

Mostra Nazionale dell’Antiquariato

La mostra racconta le storie di antiquari e oggetti pregiati e antichi sulla scia del successo che la storica manifestazione saluzzese, anno dopo anno, ha saputo ottenere

11 May

13 May

Taste High Piedmont

The largest event dedicated to the wine and food excellence of the territories of the 4 provinces of Novara, Biella, Vercelli and Vco

14 May

19 May

Guercino – the painter’s craft

More than 100 works by Guercino and coeval artists to present the great art of the Emilian master and together tell the story of the craft and life of seventeenth-century painters

14 May

19 May

Digital dreams – digital dreams

Paolo Vergnano’s exhibition is a florilegium of elements taken from zoological nature in real environments, animals such as zebras, pelicans or giraffes, creating surreal and dreamlike atmospheres